How to uninstall tableau on mac
How to uninstall tableau on mac

how to uninstall tableau on mac

Perhaps, the most common way to uninstall programs on your Mac is by using the Trash or Bin feature on the device. Note: You’ll be required to enter your admin password to proceed and delete the application. Step 4: Drag the app from the applications on Finder to Terminal. Step 3: Type this command: “sudo uninstall file://” Step 2: Type Terminal, then press Return. Step 1: Press Command and Spacebar on your keyboard. Terminal in Mac is a command line interface used by technical users looking to initiate an action. There isn’t any task that can’t be achieved with Terminal commands. Just open Finder, search for the app you want to delete, and drag and drop it in the bin on your home screen.

how to uninstall tableau on mac

Follow these steps to delete applications through Finder. Using Finderįinder is a macOS default file manager where you can find any file or application on your device.

how to uninstall tableau on mac

Click ‘ Delete‘ to uninstall the app from your Mac. Step 4: Your macOS system will ask for a confirmation to delete it.

how to uninstall tableau on mac

An X should appear on the left corner of the app. Step 2: Click and hold the app you want to select. Step 1: Open the Launchpad on your Mac’s home screen. This way is effective and removes the apps immediately from your device. One way to uninstall applications for your Mac is by utilizing the built-in Launchpad. Read through the various methods to help you uninstall your unwanted apps. While software tools can save you a lot of time, Mac does offer built-in features to help you locate and delete apps. Let’s dive in! Uninstall Apps on Mac Manually To make your life easier, we’ve compiled ways to uninstall apps on your Mac manually and use the software. There are several ways to uninstall apps from your device, many of which are quite simple to follow, letting you eliminate unnecessary applications with a few clicks. Deleting apps from your Mac helps you in increasing storage space. While it might look like a simple drag-and-drop task, uninstalling applications can leave supplementary files on your computer. Removing apps from your Mac isn’t an easy task.

How to uninstall tableau on mac